Get in touch

We are located at

CARIRI’s Centre for Enterprise Development, Innovation Avenue
Freeport, Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago
(Telephone) +868-299-0209

(Fax) 662-7177

Established in partnership with the assistance of the United Nations in 1970, The Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (CARIRI) is wholly owned by the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (GORTT). We are dedicated to the industrial and economic development of the region by becoming a national and regional focal point for technology and innovation while playing a leadership role in providing value-added technological solutions to the manufacturing and service sectors as well as public sector entities, designed to enhance efficiency, competitiveness and viability, foster new business creation, improve the quality of life of our people and promote sustainable economic development

CARIRI’s Three locations are:

  1. The University of the West Indies, Campus, St Augustine (Headquarters)
  2. Macoya
  3. Freeport

More information about the Institute can be located on our main page (